Weekly Sheet


SUNDAY 28th  July                                                                                                      17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Today’s Theme: “Christ Feeds Us”

Fr Robert’s Plea: Don’t forget God on holiday, try to go to church


Father Robert Coates: SSC Chaplain to Eastbourne Lifeboat Crew Tel: 210785

Hon Asst Clergy

Fr Barry Carter SSC Tel; 0759 9727374

Fr Martin Harper       Tel: 225552

Parish Mobile             07542 091342

Safeguarding Officer/Website  Steve Hills

Church Wardens  Steve Hills Tel: 225264

                               Frances Lingard Tel: 319625

Deputy Wardens   Martyn May Tel: 218878

                               Stephen Martin

Parish Administrator, Hall/DR Room Manager

Jill Duckett             Tel: 210058

Email st.augustines288@outlook.com

Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9-12, Friday 9-11.

Authorised Lay Minister Fiona Bower Tel 846567

Organist                 Stephen Martin

Verger: Alan Anthony  07810 086159

Parish Archivist      David Stanley Tel: 218332

Electoral Roll Officer: Sue Hollingbery

Website address: www.staugustinesbexhill.org.uk

Sunday Services:

Saturday 6pm First Mass of Sunday

Sunday 8am Mass, 10am Parish Mass.

Junior Church 1st and 3rd Sunday

Daily Mass


Mon   No Mass Today     

Tues        No Mass Today     

Weds  10 am       S. Ignatius  The Society of Jesus

Thurs 12 Noon     S. Alfonso Liguori CME

Fri   No Mass today     

Sat   9am   BVM   Our Local Charities/Community Projects

Please remember in your prayers this week:


Sun   Florence Forbes, Newsome Thwaite, Marjorie Bradburn

Mon   Evelyn Weatherhead,

Tues  Doris Gibson, Arthur Berry

Weds  Violet Jenkins, Adrian Fryers

Thurs Nancy Biggleson, Edward Bayden, John Brown

Fri   Kate Reynolds, David Hewitson, Joan Rallings, Phyllis Croadsdell, Annette Bennett

Sat   Edith Peters, Bernard Phillips

Please remember in your prayers this week: The Sick:   Ian L, Pat P, Beryl M, Jim D, Antonio,  Sue L, Christa, Sue, Sylvia B, Bishop Hewlett, Joy,  HM King Charles, HRH The Princess of Wales, Peter L, Margaret, Steve J, Fr John C, Fr Peter Keeling, Ruth B, Linda


      Fr Robert is off duty from this afternoon until Saturday


Please stay after the Parish Mass to share some of Fr Barry’s Birthday Cake




Bishop Martin is coming to St Augustine’s on Tuesday 12th November to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation.  If anyone is interested in being confirmed please see Fr Robert.


Everyone is invited for William’s Christening on Sunday 11th August at the 10am service.  There will be a celebration in the church hall after the service, please put your name down on the sign up sheet if you would like to come, including any dietary requirements.  We look f

forward to seeing you! Daisy, Stephen and William x


Tea and Testament


Tuesday 27th August at the Vicarage.


Home made cake available


Prayer Matters

Our prayer group will next meet at 2pm on Monday 12th August at Fiona’s House, 36 Winston Drive, Bexhill.  Prayer will be followed by tea, cake and Fellowship.  All are welcome so do come along.  Further dates for your diary: (9th September, 14th October and 11th November.


Summer Fayre Final Total


A remarkable effort.  Thanks to all those involved

Moving Forward

*Advance diary date*

Tuesday 3rd September, 3pm.

DR Room

 A talk on Bexhill during WW2

Open to all

Please bring a plate of something to share




Pop up coffee Morning

Wednesday 4th September 10:30 (following Mass), in the DR room. Fresh coffee, tea and cakes

Whisky marmalade on sale.


PMC 2024

£19,000 sent so far

Bexhill Foodbank

Tins and Toiletries required, thanks for your support


*Church Bank Account(for on line payments)

PCC of St Augustine’s, Bexhil-0n-Sea

         Sort code: 40-10-14  Account 21445774


Items for and changes to this sheet to : Jill before 12pm Wednesday: st.augustines288@outlook.com




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