Weekly Sheet


SUNDAY 2nd February 2025                                                                         The Presentation of the Lord




Today’s Theme: “The Light of Christ”


Father Robert Coates: SSC Chaplain to Eastbourne Lifeboat Crew Tel: 210785

Hon Asst Clergy

Fr Barry Carter SSC Tel; 0759 9727374

Fr Martin Harper       Tel: 225552

Parish Mobile             07542 091342

Safeguarding Officer/Website  Steve Hills

Church Wardens  Steve Hills Tel: 225264

                               Frances Lingard Tel: 319625

Deputy Wardens   Martyn May Tel: 218878

                               Stephen Martin

Parish Administrator, Hall/DR Room Manager

Jill Duckett             Tel: 210058

Email st.augustines288@outlook.com

Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9-12, Friday 9-11.

Authorised Lay Minister Fiona Bower Tel 846567

Organist                 Stephen Martin

Verger: Alan Anthony  07810 086159

Parish Archivist      David Stanley Tel: 218332

Electoral Roll Officer: Sue Hollingbery

Website address: www.staugustinesbexhill.org.uk

Sunday Services:

Saturday 6pm First Mass of Sunday

Sunday 8am Mass, 10am Parish Mass.

Junior Church 1st and 3rd Sunday

Daily Mass Hymns:22,386,348,914

Mon   10:00 am    Feria   Priest and Deacons Retreat, Walsingham

Tues        08:00AM



St Barnabas Feria  Conquest and DGH Chaplaincies

Weds  12 noon     S. Agatha   The Nursing Profession

Thurs       12 noon     S.Paul Miki   The Church in Japan

Fri   10am St Barnabas


Sat   9:00am      BVM  Our Community Projects and Charities

Please remember in your prayers this week:

RIP David Gillespie, Ian Lingard


Sunday      Constance Beadle, Vi Jefferson, Leslie Heather, Shirley Park

Monday      Hedley Hughes

Tuesday     Harriet Wilson, George Wickins, Dorothy Cattermole, Norman Boyd-Leslie

Wednesday   Neville Willford, George Chissell, Edward Taylor, Fred Morton

Thursday    James Tiptaft, Ellen sage, Noelle Potter

Friday      Dorothy Thomas, Elsie Goodchild

Saturday    John Campbell, Kathleen Webster, Kay Hyde, Sally Atkinson

Please remember in your prayers this week: The Sick:

Beryl M, Jim D, Antonio, Sue L, Christa, Sue, Sylvia B, Bishop Hewlett, Joy, Margaret, Fr John C, Fr Peter Keeling, Linda, Lisa F, Eddie K, Harry S, Frances M, Jack, Richard C, Kyle. The Caney Family, Stella, Laurence, Nigel A, Michael W, Andy, Fiona B


Items for and changes to this sheet to : Jill before 12pm Wednesday: st.augustines288@outlook.com



Bexhill Foodbank

Tins and Toiletries required, thanks for your support

      Fr Robert’s Appointments this week


Friday is Fr Robert’s day off

Memorial Service for David Gillespie, Tuesday 18th February at 11:30 am.



First Aid Course

Date to be confirmed next week


Battle and Bexhill Deanery Celebration

Tuesday 13th February @7.15pm, St Peter’s Church, Bexhill

See poster


Sung Mass - Tuesday 11th February at 7pm

To give thanks for Fr Robert’s 25 years as vicar of St Augustine’s, followed by a Parish party.  Guest preacher Fr Keith Haydon SSC


Tea and Testament

Monday 10th February at the Vicarage.


Home made cake available



I am looking for a group of people to pray regularly and support those asking for our prayers. This would involve receiving the prayer requests each week and praying independently for those who have asked for prayer.  If you are interested in assisting with this please contact Fiona Bower via email at fionabower15@gmail.com.

Prayer Matters

Unfortunately, the next prayer group meeting, scheduled for Monday 10th February is cancelled.  Fiona extends her sincere apologies, but she will be recovering after a planned hospital stay.  The group will next meet at 2pm on Monday 10th March at Fiona’s house, 36 Winston Drive, Bexhill.  Prayer will be followed by tea, cake and fellowship.  All are welcome so do come along.  2025 dates for your diary: Monday 14th April and Monday 12th May.

Walsingham Invoices

All those attending the Walsingham Pilgrimage please collect your invoice on the table at the back of church.  Payment is due by 20th February.


 Rice Sale Today!

Please see Rosalind.  All proceeds from rice sales go to our Malawi fund. See poster.

Pop up Coffee Morning

Wednesday 5th Feb (Following Mass), in the DR Room.  Fresh Coffee, Tea and Cake.

Sunday Lunch

16th February, 12.30

at Egerton Park Bowls club.  Payment now due, please fill in your menu sheet.


PMC 2025

£38,000 left to pay


Parish Giving

If you are signed up to PGS and wish to make an alteration to your monthly payment, please contact them directly on 0333 002 1260, quoting parish code 100610336.  Please contact the Parish Office if you are not signed up but wish to do so.

Church Bank Account (for on line payments)

The PCC of St Augustine’s Church

Sort code: 40-10-14  Account 21445774



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