Everlasting God as we approach your throne in humility and simplicity, we ask that you will hear our prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.
Almighty God we pray for your Church of St Augustine's and your churches throughout the world, and asking that they be given a clear vision of what is needed to be both focused and relevant in our world, and how we can serve you by spreading the message of your Son to all, by our actions as well as words.
We especially pray for those that have been affected by the recent Corona Virus outbreak, and we ask for your blessings on all those that are called to the Health Services and are facing danger as they work to contain the pandemic.
Loving Lord, as we look at this country and a world in turmoil, we pray that those who are in positions of power will listen to you, so that the daily decisions are made for the benefit all of the people entrusted to them in their leadership role. We long for the day when your loving and healing hands will again be in control of this troubled world, when swords will be turned into ploughs, and the lion lay down with the lamb and peace and truth will reign.
Heavenly Father, we confess our own failings and lack of compassion and love. We thank you that you forgive these and ask you to give us a spirit of love and forgiveness that sees only the good in each other, that bears no grudges and forgives all grievances. May we learn to forgive as you have forgiven us that we may live together in unity.
And now, quietly, we lay at God’s feet our own personal concerns.
Gracious God we thank you for those we know who are on the road to recovery and for the miracle of healing. We pray for all who minister to the sick and infirm, both at home and in hospital care centres.
Merciful God we pray for those whose lives have been shattered by the death of someone close and dear to them. We pray for members of our natural and church families and all those who have died recently.
Faithful God, we ask you to receive our intercessions and thanksgiving on behalf of the church and the world. Hear our prayers and we pray that you will reward our stewardship of this wonderful earth with the riches of heaven.